10 fevereiro 2014

Hello Song - Dave Moran

Let's sing!

How many ways can you say hello
How many ways do you know
I think I know maybe three
Will you please say hello to me
Say Hello! it's like an echo
Say Hi! Like the sun in the sky
There's just one more we can fit in
It's when you ask, how are you doing?

09 fevereiro 2014

Alfabeto e pronúncia das letras em Inglês

a = êi
b = bí
c = cí
d = dí
e = í
f = éf
g = djí
h = êitch
i = ái
j = djêi
k = kêi
l = él
m = êm
n = ên
o = ôu
p = píi
q = quíu
r = ár
s = éss
t = tíi
u = iúu
v = víi
w = dâbliu
x = écs
y = uái
z = zíi

08 fevereiro 2014

How many fingers do you have?

How many finger do you have? (Quantos dedos você tem?)
I have 10 fingers. (Eu tenho 10 dedos.)

Lembrando que fingers se referem somente aos dedos das mãos. Dedos dos pés, em inglês, são toes.

What's your name? - Song ♪

Hello, hello!
What' is your name?
My name is...

The Animal Sounds Song ♪

These are the sounds that animals make.

07 fevereiro 2014

The Family - Song ♪

Let's sing!

This is mamma, kind and dear,
This is papa, standing her.

Colors - Song ♪

Let's sing!

Red, Yellow, Blue and Green stand up.
Red, Yellow, Blue and Green turn around, and,
Stretch up high above your head.
Red, Yellow, Blue and Green sit down.

Mommy Finger - Song ♪

Let's sing!

Mom-my fin-ger, mom-my fin-ger,
Where are you?
Here I am. Here I am.
How do you do?

Dad-dy fin-ger, dad-dy fin-ger,
Where are you?
Here I am. Here I am.
How do you do?

Bro-ther fin-ger, bro-ther fin-ger,
Where are you?
Here I am. Here I am.
How do you do? 

Sis-ter fin-ger, sis-ter fin-ger,
Where are you?
Here I am. Here I am.
How do you do? 

Ba-by fin-ger, ba-by fin-ger,
Where are you?
Here I am. Here I am.
How do you do? 

ABC Song ♪

Let's sing!


Now I learn my A B C
Next time want you
sing with me.

Make New Friends - Song ♪

Let's sing!

Make new friends,
But keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold.

The Months - Song ♪

Let's sing!

January, February,
March, April, May and June,
July, August, September,
October, November, December.

Ten Fat Sausages - Song ♪

Let's sing!

Ten fat sausages sitting in the pan,
One went pop, and another went bam!
Eight fat sausages sitting in the pan,
One went pop, and another went bam!
Six fat sausages sitting in the pan,
One went pop, and another went bam!
Four fat sausages sitting in the pan,
One went pop, and another went bam!
Two fat sausages sitting in the pan,
One went pop, and another went bam!
No more sausages sitting in the pain.

Rain, Rain, Go Away - Song ♫

Let's sing!

Rain, rain, go away.
Come again some other day.
Little Johnny wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Two Little Blackbirds - Song ♪

Two little blackbirds is sitting on a hill,
One named Jack, one named Jill
Fly away, Jack, fly away, Jill
Come back Jack, come back, Jill.

04 fevereiro 2014


Animais e suas pronúncias.
Pay attention!

Fonte: Educação Ativa

Seasons of the year & Colors

Pronúncia das estações do ano e de algumas cores.

Fonte: Educação Ativa


Como pronunciar os números em Inglês.
Pay attention!

English Alphabet

Pronúncia correta do alfabeto em Inglês.
Pay attention!


Uma tabela de cores com tradução.
Pay attention!

Fonte: Google

Months of the year

Every fourth year, the month of February has 29 days instead of 28. This year is called a "leap year" and the 29th day of February is a "leap day". A leap year has 366 days instead of the usual 365. Most years that can be cleanly divided by four are leap years. 2016, 2020 and 2024, for example, are leap years.

 leap year =  ano bissexto
leap day = dia bissexto

Days of the week

Os dias da semana em Inglês.

- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday

Days of the week are all 7 days from Sunday to Saturday.
Weekdays are only 5 days from Monday to Friday.
Weekend is Saturday and Sunday.

01 fevereiro 2014

Lesson 1 - Saudações

Link para a atividade (pronúncia).

Cumprimentos, saudações e despedidas

- How are you? / Como vai/está você?
- What's up? / E aí?

Good morning (Bom dia)
Good Afternoon (Boa tarde)
Good evening (Boa noite - em saudações)
Good night (Boa noite - em despedidas)
Welcome (Bem-vindo)
Nice to meet you (Prazer em conhecê-lo.)
Good Bye, Bye-bye ou Bye (Tchau, adeus)
See you later (Até logo)
Have a nice day (Tenha um bom dia)

Fonte: English Experts (link para mais dicas em áudio)

Hello, class.

My name is Cláudia. I am your English teacher.
Good to see you here. 
Let's start!